food for the soul

Yoga is a Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. Yoga consists of a system of exercises practiced as part of this discipline to promote control of the body and mind.
The system of exercises practiced includes a series of posture to stretch your body. The postures can be categorized into seated and twist posture, standing posture, arm balances posture, core posture, backbends posture, forward bends posture, inversions posture and restorative posture. Every specific yoga posture has an interesting name. Some of the interesting names include mountain, bird of paradise, boat, half wheel, camel, cow, cobra, dolphin, dragonfly, down dog and eagle.
To practice yoga, you are required to hold the posture while watching your breath. The practitioner watches in inhalation and exhalation of breathing. Some yoga practitioner will regulate the breathing with their mind. Experienced yoga practitioner will come to a state of optimal breathing pattern as a hallmark of relaxation. This can calm down your busy mind and bring it to a state of consciousness.
Normally, yoga practitioner will accompany their yoga practice with relaxation music or natural sound. Some claim that natural sound will lift up your mood during the process. Here is one of the natural sound software synthesizer ( available in the market.
If you feel boring, try to find a hobby for yourself. Photography can be a good one. Photography can build up your perspective about life. Shoot some photo about human in laugh, clown, nature and animal. Shooting their photo give you the opportunity to feel closer to them, see what they see and feel what they feel. Doesn’t dealing with various positive feeling photographs lift up your mood drastically? Walk around the city where you are living. Shoot some art photograph. Search for building that is weird looking, colourful sky and human in colourful dress. Make a collection of it. You might get surprise by the end of the day. How much you have miss out with a fast track all this while and how wonderful life is!
A picture is worth a thousand words. Try to shoot for photo that suit your feeling. Instead of dealing with monotonous diary writing, shoot some photo to add in your diary. Make some personal notes about the photos. You can easily catch what you like, what you hate, what make you happy, what make you sad by reading your diary. It can help you drop your darkest thought just by identify your thought and feeling through your diary.
Hmm…learning to take photograph is that easy? Here is a list of site from master of photography and resources. You can certainly start from here.
Juza photography (
Tutplus photography (
Online resources for photography (
Draw some
cartoon! Your cartoon character doesn’t have to look perfect. It’s just a way
to express yourself. Link your cartoon character with events. Make it a comic.
The easy
way to link the cartoon character is to make a philosophy and event for them.
You can use your life philosophy. What is your life philosophy? No food, no
life? Happy go lucky? Live with honor? Make a cartoon character with your life
philosophy. What is the event that will be encountered by this character? Think
of some funny event. For example, a cartoon claim to eat itself when too hungry
due to the philosophy “no food, no life” it held.
You can
have lot of fun designing your own cartoon character. You can humanize fruit,
furniture, appliances, animal, plant, vehicle and natural element. Draw a star
that can talk, a desk that can run, and an apple that cooked. Allow interaction
among your characters. How a group of desk arrange themselves for dinner while
the apple is cooking. This might not be an attractive example for you, so use
your creativity to design one.
Here are
some resources to help you start up your cartooning path
Cyanide and
happiness (
Xkcd (
Abstruse goose
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