ever wonder who will stay around when you are in this situation?






Question to ask before you step into heaven or hell !

what "make sense" event that ever happen in this short life?

How many "make sense" friend do you have in this life?

where "make sence" place you ever step-in?

what you wish you had try harder when the opportunity is shown?

Are you fine with the way you have spend your life?

who you wish you had meet?

what you wish you had touch? see? taste? feel?

where will I go after this life?

sometimes in our life, we like to hide ourself in the "pocket of mercy". we stay in the pocket until the bright light wake us up from the comfort zone. In the process of going further from where we are, we crawl out from the pocket, see the sunshine. In the new world, we stay in shaky stage, overcome the challenge of life, live and grow.

human are like a tiny sand, located in a particular coordinate in the world. cheering, wondering, live in miserable life. Every now and then, we meet a new human being in the process called "quest about life". sometime we feel happy for the meet, sometime not.

Once in a while, we will hanging at the window, wondering what is happening outside of our tiny little world. the "quest about life" allow us to open up our eyes, see the world in new perspective. Sometimes, we peek into our neighbour house, questing "Do we all have the same type of life?". The answer that we get, mostly not satisfy, as deep inside, we somehow already know the answers to our question.


recalling the time,
when we were young,
were trying to find the brightest star in the sky,
were counting all the tiny light, that we could ever found,
you had told me, that your love is greater than the sky,
you had promised, that the sky is going to be bright,
you had swore, that you are going to bear the promise in mind.

Then, the thunderstorm came,
followed by lighting
and heavy rain in the sky,
like never before.....
I felt asleep, accompanied by the music of your lies.
Deep inside, were whispering,
our future, don't seem to be bright...

Wake up, in the next day morning
Staring at the clear sky
“What a beautiful rainbow that has ever reached my sight”
Has brought away my sorrow,
Has took with it my tear,
What is the thing that I have to realize?
Oh, such a miserable world....
what exactly is it,
the thing that is called life?

The search

Wonder how?
wonder why?
the universe create a conscious life,
among the frantic blinds,
in this chaotic time.

the wind singing in the air,
the leaves dancing on the branches,
the moon shine the night,
the stars wink on the sky ,
the silent of the night daze for the born of the conscious life.

we, the creature of the chaotic time,
search inside and outside,
for an answer that satisfied.
the journey seem like a lie,
the truth is just in front of your eye.
Never lose from the sight.
yet, the blind souls never realize,
continuously live a miserable life.....

Life mission

once there is a story among the people in a small village. Almost everybody believe the story, hoping the story is true, in a city never exist.
All human being are torned apart from the other puzzle that match, then everybody are put in this world, alone. The sole mission in this life is to find the other part of the puzzle. Yet, in the small village, the human population is circle around the number hundred to thousand. What if the other part of the puzzle is somewhere outside the village?
Due to the sole mission in this life, every now and then, human will feel the lonely inside.